08 October 2009

07 October 2009

OH MY BOB: Baby Bob

Funny Pictures. Baby Dragon

I came across a fun website www.loonapix.com/facer -- what a hoot !

05 October 2009

Sunny Trey Days: Trip to the pumpkin patch

We had a great time at Brown's Harvest hunting for pumpkins and mums. HELP ME!! I am getting cooked by this mean old witch.

I am such a cute pumpkin
I am ready for the corn maze. Which way

Follow me.
I made it through the maze and now I get to go down the slide.
Ok, enough with the mums , when in the heck do I get to pick a pumpkin?

02 September 2009

Sunny Trey Days: First day of school and we're late

Yes, we rushed Trey onto the bus. We were late and there was a 20 car backup behind

the bus. Those poor people looked unhappy. Especially, when they saw both Bob and I with video cameras filming away. To top it off -- Bob never hit record and he filmed a big zero --NOTHING. It's all good, Trey loved school.

01 September 2009

Santa's Village:part 2

We had a blast at Santa's Village in North Pole, NY. I hope you enjoy the pictures.